Monday, June 27, 2011

Where are you Love?

Dear Diary,

Who is my dear love?
Where are you dear love?

Does my happiness depend on you?
What is the true happiness means?
Is there really a true love?

Answer me dear where are you?
Why did you leave me all alone here?
Does I did something bad that makes me like this?

Huh..I know, our time is not coming up yet, right?
and Allah know that I'm not ready for you..
and so do you..

I believe Allah have better future plan for us..
Allah knows everything especially what good for us...

So I will not give up even sometime it quite lonely here..
haha...what la..single, alone and blah-blah does not means that no one loves you..
remember dear Allah always loves you no matter what.
yet your family and your friends will always there to support you...

So be happy, smile and stop hurting yourself..
You are beautiful, your eyes, your smile and your heart,
you knows it right and so do Allah, He knows everything...

Have faith and believe everything happen there's always a reason...

Sunday, June 26, 2011


Dear Diary,

Syukur Alhamdulailah job well done at last..I'm finish aka I'm done for my external presentation on last Tuesday evening..Wow what a exciting and challenging experience to face all the verifiers from the industry...Fuh, really unforgettable and breathtaking experiences because I'm afraid things will not works out but Alhamdulailah everything works fine especially the open serial port connection from the wind turbine, the update for the database and also the sending email which totally got some connection problems on that day but yet it works out 10 minutes before the presentation..Syukur so much that Allah had always help us on that presentation day..

My diploma study in GMI now done but not officially since I'm not graduate yet but I'm so happy for all my team members because all our effort paid for getting the best project EIT for this Jan 2011 batch...What a amazing things to hear.. I felt really relax and calm right now, the only thing to worry about is just my overall result since I'm planning to further studies on my degree soon..InsyaAllah...

If anyone who read this, feel free to forgive me if I had hurt you somehow but don't forget to pray for my family and me...Allah loves you no matter what, remember that.

Ya Allah engkau sempurnakanlah keimanan dan ketakwaan aku kepadaMu...
dan Ampunkanlah dosa-dosaku dan dosa-dosa kedua-dua ibubapaku dan kasihanilah mereka sebagaimana mereka mendidik dan menjagaku sejak kecil dahulu...Amin..