Thursday, December 6, 2012

Life @ York

Dear Diary,

It's been quite a long time, I did not write anything to you, You know what, there's a lot of things happen in this few months, 15 Oct 2012, that day, the first time ever I got flight on my own to UK. It's just like a dream come true that I'm now in the United Kingdom, yet but I'm not really in UK, more accurately I'm in York. 

I'm doing my degree in The University of York and insyaAllah I'm going to do my master also in here..Hopefully, do pray for me and also all the best to me..hehe... :)

What about York do I like ?

Most probably everything, I'm in love with this place so badly. York is a nice place, quiet place, the people in here they are friendly and the building in here OMG they are so so very beautiful..I'm so happy that I choose this place, org rase bersyukur sangat..Alhamdulillah..everyday York will make me fall in love over and over again, the sky, the cloud and the view they are so breathless...I feel very thankful so much..

Anyway I'm a bit sad because I came here quite late, I did miss my orientation week and also my 2-days of lecture..but Alhamdulillah I manage jugak to come here..tu pon dah rase bersyukur sangat..Kata org what is past is past so life should move on no matter what happen.

Actually life in here is not exactly easy like 123, true lor.. haha..honestly for me life in here is tough, let's say if I'm hungry, I have to cook by myself and thank you Allah, at least I know a bit, how to cook, it's just that they will not actually taste like my mama cook's... I miss my favourite food, my mama cook's..but so far Alhamdulillah there's a shop sell chicken and meat at Freshway..yeay..So don't worry guys.. :)

But this lately, I don't know why, people kept asking me "how is your studies?" And I'm kinda what?? and I will ask them back, what about my study..haha..honesty the subject for this term is ....hmm...they are hard, tough yet sometime confusing,, most of them are calculation and there's a lot of formula to remember..Bohong la if I never said I will not give up, 101% I will be lied to myself, seriously after a month in here baru I felt all those negative thoughts,, how hard to live in here, how tough were the subjects...bla bla..eee,,,geramnye..agak stress jgk la..hehe...but thank you guys at least there's also people that taking care of me and concern about my studies...Alhamdulillah.. 

Tapi kan,, I do believe that you will not give up that easily because that is not you..Kamu itu, yes..You is someone that will fight until the end to get what you want and always work hard to achieve your dream..btol kan..haha..xboleh blah cakap kat diri sendiri kat cni...giler ape...hehe.. :D

Anyway for my family and friends in Malaysia I miss you so so very much, again bohong la klau org kat cni x rindu..hehe..but to make myself happy, I have to keep all the rindu in my heart je..hehe..So take care everyone and doakan sy ye..

oke be continue... :)

p/s a few pictures of York for you guys.. enjoy!! :)

                                                     Luv ya,

The City Centre

Somewhere in the Uni

Lake at the Uni

The City Centre

The walking ducks around the cute :)

p/s Feel free to inbox me, if you guys miss me   :)