Wednesday, January 19, 2011


Everyone just wishes life came with a remote to ◄◄ rewind ► play ▌▌pause ►► fast forward or sometimes it is just MUTE!

hmm..kinda funny, if only we really can turn back the time... 

Yet, it impossible to change everything that had been done because no matter what happen in life, we have to move on and that's the reality of life works, we can't do any nothing to fix thing back...

Let the past be the past, we're all made mistakes,  we're only human, we all got problems.

I know life can be hard but we just need to stay strong.

Never stop pray to Allah..

Remember life is all about yourself. How we make everyday choices. 

InsyaAllah today will be much better than yesterday...

So start doing thing right...

Start by forgiving everyone, and never ever forget to smile.

Love yourself,
Love your family,
Love everyone that makes you smile,
but most importantly love the one and only, Allah...

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