Friday, May 27, 2011

Busy Busy Busy

Dear Diary,

It's weekend at last...happynya saya....what a totally busy week, last Wednesday, my group and I having our internal final year project presentation, two days in row we do not sleep. Yeah..2 week coming our 2nd internal presentation lagi..but yet next week Monday, I have my SPC test 2 and on Tuesday I have my Entrepreneurship presentation...Wah busynya...  

Alhamdulailah, we get good comment on our hardware parts but yet our software parts which I'm conducting aka vb programming was not so so good, I have to improve more on my database program plus I have to add a few features which user friendly gui with search button and finding for the database.

Hmm..susah hati betul because I'm afraid I can't make them on time and I afraid that I will sad up my team members especially my leader, he really work hard with the project so hard and 100% very committed. I wish I was that strong person.

Ya Allah permudahkanlah segala urusan dan perjalanan hidupku ini...amin..

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy MOTHER'S Day!!

You're the only one
You're the one that given birth to me
You're very special person to me
Thanks to Allah that I had you

Nothing can I compare you with
Because you're the only one for me
Dear mama, I love you with all my heart 
You're my shining star 
You're my life

Happy Mother's Day to all mothers in the world especially to my u <3

The Last of it...

Dear Diary,

I let you slip away from me, and now I'm afraid I'll regret it for the rest of my life.
hmm..maybe..(yeah it is kinda sad at first but no matter what, life have to move on and everything happen always has it's own reasons)

But at least I know you're happy now and I'm glad you did reply my message last night..I thought you might mad at me or maybe you don't want to talk to me anymore. What la..we still friend right and why should I sad about it. Because no matter what, you always be my oppa (seriously he is my crush..funny rite)..Anyway thanks for all the 4 months of memories oppa..I'm really thankful that Allah had met us.

But remember this, When you Smile, I Smile...your Smiles will always be my favorite thing because those smile just simply make my day so much..So please take care especially your beautiful eyes..they are just perfect, Just like the way you are.

p/s Like I said before, if we meant to be together it will always be, it maybe not in this world but it will be in the heaven if you really my mate la...Lagipun kumbang bukan seekor dan setiap yang berlaku pasti ada hikmahnya. Allah itu Maha Penyayang dan Maha Mengetahui...

Miss you always...


Friday, May 6, 2011

Kenali Anak Kedua...

Sebab apa2pun mesti dia akan diutamakan oleh ibu. apa sikit ibu!!

Anak kedua dikatakan lebih degil, keras kepala dan tidak mendengar kata. semua dia ajer yg betul..dlm ramai2 adik beradik dia ajer yg KETEGANG .. kemahuan dia kuat.. kalau buat sesuatu sungguh2… kalau tak nak tu, tak nak lah jawabnya, boleh dipujuk tapi selalunya tak berapa jalan..

Memang anak no 2 ni dia tak pujuk makwe / pakwe dia..

Tak digoyahkan anak no 2 juga …. dia kalau bercinta, sangat setia…sanggup berkorban …

Apa yg dikatakan semua dipegang ( kononnya ) kalau hitam2 hitamlah kalau putih …. putihlah ….degil tak boleh toleransi

No 2 ni juga nampak ajer keras…tp hati dia lembut juga….SATU lagi peel dia…dia tak boleh ditegur….kalau kita tegur dia mesti tarik muka

Very independent..mmg kalau terlebih indepent pun payah…..TP mudah bergaul..campak lah kat manapun sekejap dah dapat kawan..very take care of her brother and all stuff belonging family.( sebab terlalu ambil berat pun menyampah…semua adik2 kena control kena report kat diorang ) ..

Anak no 2 ni juga dia payah nk terima arahan….dia lebih suka buat hal sendiri pendek kata..tak boleh kerja ngan org…ramai anak no 2 ni keje sendiri

PEMAAF & caring
Tak dinafikan no 2 ni pun pemaaf & caring…TAPI awas jgn bg diorg marah….kalau depa marah faham sajer lah

Nak ajer up to date…semua nak kemas....

P/s I'm the 2nd child from 4..haha..:D