Sunday, January 3, 2016

A Fresh Start Ahead

Dear Diary,

2 Jan 2016

Alhamdulillah, Allah loves me, Allah loves you too. I'm very thankful and bless to stay alive and Allah had giving us the chance to live another year with our loved ones, my life my family. Syukur Alhamdulilah.

Actually, I don't have so much plan for this year because I still have my last last years plans that I have not achieve. All I really want this year is to score my CGPA 3 above and gain a scholarship so that I could paid my tuition fees because I don't want to susahkan my parent anymore. They going through a lot all these years because of me. I just want to finish my Degree and continue with my Master and Phd, InsyaAllah if Allah let me and if I still alive, I guess. Marriage? So far I have never thinks of that before but if the time have come, Alhamdulilah. I put all my believe and trust in Allah because Allah knows what best for us all.

"When you have Allah, you have everything you need."

So, back to our title today, "A Fresh Start Ahead". Alhamdulilah today, I met with new friend 2 from exchange students from Sri Lanka, a master student from Penang and an accountant student who doing part time at Aeon from Segamat, Johor. Cool, right? Hahaha..Life is so unpredictable but fun, I guess. :D

I when to Aeon today by bus stutter that my University provide to us and I manage to had lunch, shopping, and buy books..yes books..I love them..because of them I would loves so much to start active writing my blog again aka my diary. Funny right? I let people to read mine. Why? Because I have my own reason, But all I can say that I getting old and my memory is not as good as before..haha.. Opss I almost forget, thank you so much to the person that gave their card so I can get discount for these books. Thanks.  :) 

I have 2 weeks to read them before my new semester start. Can't wait. I miss my friends so much and I can't wait to start studying again. I really hope this year going to be great. I hope I could make more new friends and making new memories. I hope Allah give me strength and patient to overcome any challenges. Ya Allah, please make my heart strong, help me to lead closer to you, because I want to be a better person than yesterday.

“Always try and be a better person than you were yesterday, cause we aren't guaranteed tomorrow.”


Ya Allah Ya Rahman Ya Rahim
Please forgive our family, friends, and all the Muslims of the Ummah.
Please let us all be safe and healthy this year,
Please make our dream come true. 
Please show us the right path which takes us closer to you for every breath we breathe. 
Please make us strong and patient to overcome all your challenges.
Please take us all to Jannah Firdausi without any count.


"All those challenges shows that Allah loves you.
  Be positive and smile always."

I love you.

p/s Come on Man United!!  More goal please..Anyway 5 days more to go.. :D

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