Saturday, December 31, 2016

Happy New Year 2017

Dear Diary,

Hai Assalamualaikum

Its almost midnight, and I am by myself celebrate 2017.
Sad right? Yup, kinda off.
But Syukur Alhamdulilah.
Even Though, I am not that feeling very well..cough, flu all over.
At least, I am still breathing this new year.


Saturday, June 25, 2016


25 Jun 2016
20 Ramadan 1437H

Dear Diary,

I wish you was here, I really miss you. I miss your smile and I miss being with you even it was for short time. I miss waking you up during Ramadan and I miss you Mr Lol.

This Ramadan we were totally strangers, I thought we share the same feeling, I thought that you love me, I thought that you wouldn't leave me again. But I was wrong you leave me without any words from you.  I'm confuse. I really don't understand. How is that we suddenly become strangers to one another. Did I did something wrong to you? Please tell me..I begging you..

What make me more sad was I had delete all of our conversations, everything because I really mad, hurt. But somehow I can't delete all the memories when we were together. They still fresh inside my head even how hard I'm try to forget you. It's hurt me so bad because I kept on remember you especially this time round, during this Ramadan, I totally felt you was here but everything gone, you gone.

It's funny, even I had delete all our conversation, but I still kept your photo inside my phone. I still have your letter that I wrote for you (those letter that I want to give you) to read how I actually felt for you. (I kept in safe inside my diary).

I hope you doing just fine without me. I hope your research when well like exactly you want it to be. I always pray for you. I pray all the best for you, for whatever you be doing now. I miss you. I pray to Allah to keep you in His side, to always keep you safe from anything.

I felt you, I never felt someone that very close to my heart before.
Being with you is so comfortable why because of you, every time I had problems, the moment I sat myself inside your car every single things, worries and problems I had just gone like that.
I still remember you ask me, "Why is that you not worry and afraid to be with me?" and I just look at you and said that I don't know why, but I just felt very safe and comfortable with you.

I love u because for Allah.
I believe everything happen a reason.
A reason why we met and why you left.

Dear Mr Lol,

Thank you for opening my little heart to feel what love is all about, 

Thank you for help me to open my eyes to see other part of the world.
Thank you for making me understand and know that true love is actually real.
Thank you for everything. 

Don't worry be Happy..

I may not forget but I always forgive you. 
I always here when need me.
p/s You know where to find me..

I wish you was mine but NOW WE ARE STRANGER..xoxo tc..

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Life Is Beautiful Words :))

Dear Diary,

13 March 2016

Be patient for every hardship from Allah. 
Bersabar atas setiap ujian dari Allah.

Be thankful because you are the chosen one to go through it. 
Bersyukur kerana kamu terpilih mengharunginya.

Don't whine because every hardship there is always way out of it.
Jangan mengeluh kerana setiap kesulitan pasti ada jalan keluar.

Think well of Allah because Only He is our place to complain, place to hope.
Bersangka baik kepada Allah, sesungguhnya hanya kepada Allah tempat untuk mengadu, tempat untuk berharap.

Don't be sad because Allah always with you. 
Jangan bersedih kerana Allah bersama kamu.

Smile oh when you face the hardship from Him because every tests and challenges is Allah loves for us.
Tersenyumlah menghadapi ujian daripadaNya, kerana ujian ialah cinta dan sayang Allah terhadap hambaNya.

p/s I miss my family.. :(

Saturday, January 30, 2016

One More Happy Ending

Dear Diary,

29 January 2016

Life is funny sometime, its moving so fast, we almost at the end month of January. I am 26 years old this year! Daebak! So far everything okay eventually, there is nothing much that I can talk about. Nothing really interesting happen pon..Ouh, by the way I got my BRIM anyway..Alhamdulilah syukur. 

And I met someone very similar to me, she is my new roommate. We both are Capricorn girls. Funny because I keep on meeting people that born on January a lot but somehow I am very glad and happy, I believe Allah had something amazing plan for me this year. InsyaAllah aamiin..

People say,

"Beautiful, yet Amazing things happen only to those who are patient and strong enough, so keep on believe it. "

You know what, when you have the time to sit and think, I would you try this out..

First, Try to sit as comfortable as you could..our Teacher would always said this, SIT UP STRAIGHT! hahaha..

Next, Close both your eyes and start breathe calmly, clear your mind..
Don't think so much! Just stay calm and relax, okay?

Then, Start thinks about something that would make you happy, about your life, your family, your friends, your loved ones or maybe your dreams or you could just think about things that happen today in your life that make your day, make you smile or anything will be fine as long as it is a happy memories..

There is no time limit, your can do it for how long you would like to..because when you start open your eyes, you feel this amazing and wonderful feeling inside your heart when it's done.

You can try it out as many time you love..
But if it does not works out, I am truly sorry.
Maybe this way was not meant for you..because it works great for me.  

So when you start think how your life so far, you somehow will be very thankful because your life has been blessed so much with your family, friends and your loved ones around you. 

So Be Thankful. 
Life is a Blessed.
You are not Alone,
Because Allah will Always with you..

"Our greatest blessing in life … is life itself.”

“There are so many things to be grateful for every single day.”

We just have one life, keep it simple”

"Ya Allah, bless me, my family, my friends, everyone who read this for one more happy ending, that is to be inside Jannatul Firdaus..aamiin"

Sunday, January 3, 2016

A Fresh Start Ahead

Dear Diary,

2 Jan 2016

Alhamdulillah, Allah loves me, Allah loves you too. I'm very thankful and bless to stay alive and Allah had giving us the chance to live another year with our loved ones, my life my family. Syukur Alhamdulilah.

Actually, I don't have so much plan for this year because I still have my last last years plans that I have not achieve. All I really want this year is to score my CGPA 3 above and gain a scholarship so that I could paid my tuition fees because I don't want to susahkan my parent anymore. They going through a lot all these years because of me. I just want to finish my Degree and continue with my Master and Phd, InsyaAllah if Allah let me and if I still alive, I guess. Marriage? So far I have never thinks of that before but if the time have come, Alhamdulilah. I put all my believe and trust in Allah because Allah knows what best for us all.

"When you have Allah, you have everything you need."

So, back to our title today, "A Fresh Start Ahead". Alhamdulilah today, I met with new friend 2 from exchange students from Sri Lanka, a master student from Penang and an accountant student who doing part time at Aeon from Segamat, Johor. Cool, right? Hahaha..Life is so unpredictable but fun, I guess. :D

I when to Aeon today by bus stutter that my University provide to us and I manage to had lunch, shopping, and buy books..yes books..I love them..because of them I would loves so much to start active writing my blog again aka my diary. Funny right? I let people to read mine. Why? Because I have my own reason, But all I can say that I getting old and my memory is not as good as before..haha.. Opss I almost forget, thank you so much to the person that gave their card so I can get discount for these books. Thanks.  :) 

I have 2 weeks to read them before my new semester start. Can't wait. I miss my friends so much and I can't wait to start studying again. I really hope this year going to be great. I hope I could make more new friends and making new memories. I hope Allah give me strength and patient to overcome any challenges. Ya Allah, please make my heart strong, help me to lead closer to you, because I want to be a better person than yesterday.

“Always try and be a better person than you were yesterday, cause we aren't guaranteed tomorrow.”


Ya Allah Ya Rahman Ya Rahim
Please forgive our family, friends, and all the Muslims of the Ummah.
Please let us all be safe and healthy this year,
Please make our dream come true. 
Please show us the right path which takes us closer to you for every breath we breathe. 
Please make us strong and patient to overcome all your challenges.
Please take us all to Jannah Firdausi without any count.


"All those challenges shows that Allah loves you.
  Be positive and smile always."

I love you.

p/s Come on Man United!!  More goal please..Anyway 5 days more to go.. :D

Friday, January 1, 2016

Happy New Year 2016

Dear Diary,

31 Disember 2015 my last post for 2015.

Today was my last day working as RA, Alhamdulillah syukur to Allah for giving me this wonderful experience and opportunity to be part of the research team, I learned a lot and met with new friends that most of them are doing their Master and Phd. (Again Alhamdulillah most of them think that I'm one of the postgraduate student..InsyaAllah one day I will be one of them...aamiin.) During these 3 months, I did went for training, conference, exhibition and even being one of the invigilator during the test. Beside that, I also helped and tutor the students that need help for their project and exam. Alhamdulillah, I'm so glad that I could help them even not so much.

For my research job, I was doing testing product for one of our senior fyp project by questionnaire. Again Alhamdulillah I manage to get 101 responded. I also did research for others lecturers on their project, did some documentation too which include all the UML diagram that I had learned during my sem 2. Seriously, even though its tiring and hard for this 3 months but somehow everything and everyday seem so enjoyable and fun. I felt really blessed and thankful for this amazing experience and people. Thank you so much to my supervisor, lecturer, Madam Aliza for your motherly support and assist. I'm very thankful, blessed to be one of your student and also your research assistant.  

As the for conclusion, everything that happen from the very beginning of the Jan 2015 to the very last day of Dec 2015 was beautiful, amazing, yet crazy memories. I had most all kind of feeling like happy, sad, tired, mad, annoying, funny and so much more..

At last sad but not so so, Just like a few years back, its looks like I will be going to celebrate this new year 2016 by myself again inside this tiny small room. And me still single and bla bla...but in few days my age is getting old and not so much nothing change I guess. Anyway, I'm sorry for things that happens in 2015 and thank you so much for everything. I maybe not perfect and I always myself.

Syukur Alhamdulillah Thank You Ya Allah.. :)