Friday, April 22, 2011

Busy Day...

Dear Diary,

What a busy day this week, today evening I got my test 2 for paper Industrial Management and next week on Monday I have my Statistical Process Control aka SPC test...and plus my Vb Database programming which I have to settle them up at least before my internal presentation which will held on 25 May...

Beside that, my Entrepreneurship project, where my group have to decide what kind of business project we really going to sell up plus at same time we have to start from A to Z which consists with planning, productions, marketing, advertisement, promotion and every thing that involve in how to build up a business.

Wah...a bit stress plus really tiring so I though of going to the book fair this weekend then at least I have time to release my stress up but sadly I really have to forget them since my money is getting less ma..

But then, I don't how and why I started to remember him back..hmm..what to do they just came. Anyway, I do a bit miss him..

Tapi memang betul hidup kat dunia boleh melekakan diri kita, sampai kadang-kadang kita mampu melupakan kepada "The One and Only Allah", iaitu Tuhan yang berhak disembah dan disujud sebab cinta agung hanya datang daripada Allah, hanya Dia setia untuk mencintai diri kita sehingga ke hujung akhir nafas kita ini.

Oleh itu, kawan-kawan sentiasalah niatkan ikhlas dalam hati, hidup kita dan mati kita hanyalah untuk Allah. Mudah-Mudahan Allah memberi hidayah dan nur ke jalan yang benar..Amin..


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