Friday, April 1, 2011

One Day in Hospital

wah quite a long time I have not write any on my diary..
Yup, I'm totally busy with my group project fyp, assignments and on the 30 March I just had my final 1 exam, paper data communication system.. and thank God it was only one paper for my final 1 but yet I still got 3 papers left plus final year project presentation in June soon.

Anyway today I would like to tell about my one day experience in Hospital.

I had being in General Hospital today for almost one day from the morning until the 3pm in the evening, really tiring and hungry. My dad got appointment with the doctor at the Radiotherapy, Oncology and Nuclear Medicine department for his thyroid cancer at General Hospital in Kuala Lumpur. Alhamdulailah he got discharged  for his Nuclear Medicine but yet he still had to when to the Medical outpatient clinic (MOPC). Wah..I'm learning new words la...hehe..

But yet in the evening after job done in KL, we going back to Muar, and we got news that my grandmother got into wad at Hospital Muar because she got gastric, she kept vomiting and she really felt weak. We came to see her straight away at 10.25pm.

Seriously I'm really tired and we got back home at 11.35pm, but all I can say is that everything happen for a reason, Allah plans everything for us to see how strong we handle them and at the same time, He want us to never stop praying to Him so anyhow or somehow we have to accept it positively, believe and never loss faith on Him. 

Allah Maha Penyayang lagi Maha Pengasih. 

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